The Veterinary Medicine Post-graduation Program has established several partnerships with professionals from various organizations, such as EMBRAPA, FIOCRUZ, Fundação Rio ZOO, Zooparque de Itatiba, Instituto Vital Brazil, B.E.T Laboratoires (endocrinology), Regimento de Cavalaria Andrade Neves (Exécito Brasileiro/RJ- Escola Equitação doExército_EsEqEx), Cavalry of the Rio de Janeiro police force, Jockey Club Brasileiro, as well as the following universities: Cornell University (EUA), University of Illinois (EUA), University of Pennsylvania (EUA), Purdue University (EUA), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade do Porto, Pathology and Molecular Immunology Institute (IPATIMUP), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Microbiology College, Chemistry College, and Morphology College), State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF), Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Department of Biotechnology of the Federal University of Pelotas, Department of Bacteriology of the Federal University of Cuiabá (diagnosis of mycobaceterioses in animals, in a collaborative effort with professor Odir Dellagostin and the Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine of the University of São Paulo, Federal University of São Paulo, Adolpho Lutz Institute, and Administracion Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud -Dr. Carlos G. Malbran (ANLIS), Argentina.

Programa de Pós-Graduação – Strictu Sensu – Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF