Programa de Pós-Graduação – Strictu Sensu – Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF

Funding – Scholarships

Students may apply for scholarships for research from several funding organizations.


Publication funding: Aware of the social relevance of their scientific efforts, researchers at UFF often resort to their private resources for books or research materials, laboratory maintenance, scientific travel, translation fees, subscription to scientific conferences, journal subscriptions, and several other expenses. The funding prospoed by this call is destined for reimburising part of the costs researchers have, underscoring the fact that the University acknowledges the work carried out by their researchers, and promoting research in UFF.

Continous flow: This call, in conjunction with FOPESQ, aims to meet the emergency needs concerning research by researchers and research groups that participate in Post-graduation Programs of the Academic Units of UFF.

PIBIC (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica): This program was developed by CNPq, and has the following objectives: 1) For supervisors: to stimulate productive researchers to engage undergraduates in the process of scientific investigations, optimizing the ability to direct research in the Organization; to stimulate research in the Institution; 2) for students: to spark scientific intentions and incentivize potential scientific talent in among students based on their participation in research projects; to afford students the technical knowledge and contact with scientific methods based on the supervision by a qualified researcher, boosting students’ creativity; to prepare students to post-graduation, decisively contributing to reduce the average time to obtain the MSc and PhD degrees.


Every year FAPERJ starts several initiatives with specific purposes. Research (APQ1): Research support aims to support reasearch projects by an appropriately qualified researcher (with a PhD or equivalent title), officially employed by a teaching and research organization in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The resources may be used to purchase all research material necessary, hire services, and aquire other items that are required by the project. Scientific initiation: The aim is to encourage undergraduates with an interest in scientific and technological research, and to train these students in research units under the supervision of a senior researcher. The requisites and conditions to be met is current enrollment in an undergraduate course. Requests by students enrolled in the first two terms are not accepted. Scholarship is valid only for the recommended timespan for studies. The student has to present an accumulated performance index over 7, and has to have been appointed by a qualified professor or supervisor (with at least a MSc) and employed by a teaching and research organization in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Two scholarships are given to each researcher/supervisor. Students cannot be supervised by PhD students. Visiting Researcher (APV): Assistance to a visiting researcher aims to cover expenses with transportation and living costs for researchers with acknowledged excellent performance from other Brazilian states or overseas who will conduct research in an organization in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Event organization (APQ2): Suppor to Event Organization is used to carry out scientific conferences in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The items subjet to financing include: organizational infrastructure, daily allowances and flight tickets to guest participants, rent of conference venues, printing and marketing costs. FAPERJ does not reimburse expenses with simultaneous translation and costs of tourist travels, snacks, receptions, banquets, and similar events. This form of support is also applied to support the participation of researchers and students from organizations in the state of Rio de Janeiro in conferences organized by scientific societies or associations in other Brazilian states. Applications for individual assistance to participate in these events will be refused.The large animal hospital is in the Cachoeiras de Macacu Teaching Farm, and provides veterinary health services to large animias. The facility includes corrals and pens to handle bovines, pigs, ovines, and rabbits. The Teaching Farm also has a laboratory where physiopathology studies about pain and studies about stem cell treatments and biomaterials are carried out under the supervision of the professors at the Antônio Pedro University Hospital (for humans), Pro-cardiac Institute, Traumatology and Orthopedics Instiute (INTO), Brazilian Center for Physical Reseach (CBPF), and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


Every year CNPq starts calls to support events, to offer scientific initiation scholarships for scientific and technological research, and to offer productivity scholarships to researchers, universal call

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